My little hamster Harald, past away 28th Juni 2010, he come to the beautiful world 28th January 2008.. two days before my birthday. In Mars we'd bought him.. (Thank you, Jeanette!) It was my own little monster (': But the scaryest thing is.. that he come to the world 28th January 2008 2 days before my birthday (30th January) and he past away 28th Juni 2010 2 days before my grandmothers birthday! (30th Juni), and for somepepole it's just a hamster, but for me.. he was my baby monster! I'll ofc always will miss him. But to make it a lot easier he's always has a part in my heart, isn't that right? Even if he was a hamster, he was a part of the family. Isn't that true that if your hamster should past away?
RIP Harald 28th January 2008 - 28th Juni 2010

Puss Denise



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